



雅思阅读中最难的题就是list of heading题目了。而且这类题目的出题趋势越来越妖了。从原来的首二末句的做法,到现在的找不到主旨句无从捉摸,甚至是无主旨句。



回到本源,list of heading题目考点为中心思想,需要满足以下三个条件

1.     不会出现文章中字面之外的意思【和语文的中心思想不同,不需要揣摩】

2.     不一定是整段讲的内容【有可能某一段某一部分内容不需要理会】

3.     为文章关键词/句的总结;而不是单纯的同义替换


1.     组合相同意思的句子 👉意群【一段话可能不止一个意群】

2.     合并意群进行二次概括



那么我们来看一个例子吧:【剑桥雅思官方指南OG – TEST 2 P2】


AT FIRST SIGHT, IT LOOKED LIKE a typical suburban road accident. A Land Rover approached a Chevy Tahoe estate car that had stopped at a kerb; the Land Rover pulled out and tried to pass the Tahoe just as it started off again. There was a crack of fenders and the sound of paintwork being scraped, the kind of minor mishap that occurs on roads thousands of times every day. Normally drivers get out, gesticulate, exchange insurance details and then drive off. But not on this occasion. No one got out of the cars for the simple reason that they had no humans inside them: the Tahoe and Land Rover were being controlled by computers competing in last November’s DARPA (the U.S. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) Urban Challenge. To take part, teams had to enter robot cars that could navigate through city streets and cope with numerous road hazards created for the competition in the former George Air Force Base in Victorville, California, United States.



A.    How robots can save human lives

B.     Examples of robots at work

C.    The ethical issues of robotics



Not what it seemed to be. 【不是看起来那样的】




AT FIRST SIGHT, IT LOOKED LIKE a typical suburban road accident. A Land Rover approached a Chevy Tahoe estate car that had stopped at a kerb; the Land Rover pulled out and tried to pass the Tahoe just as it started off again. There was a crack of fenders and the sound of paintwork being scraped, the kind of minor mishap that occurs on roads thousands of times every day. Normally drivers get out, gesticulate, exchange insurance details and then drive off. 【意群1:看起来是一个典型的交通事故 + 展开什么样的事故】

But not on this occasion. No one got out of the cars for the simple reason that they had no humans inside them: the Tahoe and Land Rover were being controlled by computers competing in last November’s DARPA (the U.S. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) Urban Challenge. To take part, teams had to enter robot cars that could navigate through city streets and cope with numerous road hazards created for the competition in the former George Air Force Base in Victorville, California, United States. 【意群2:但是其实并不是人开的车,而是电脑在驾驶】

然后我们在合意群1 + 意群2:看起来是一个典型的交通事故,但是其实并不是人开的车,而是电脑在驾驶 à 二次概括成为:不是看起来那样的

看到了吧,现在的list of heading题目比原来会困难许多。不仅仅需要理解段落意思。还需要有合并意群的能力。这除了需要阅读实力以外,还需要在考试的时候将其他题目的时间压缩到最短【1分钟以内1题】,把时间留给真正需要读意思的题目 – list of heading。



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