雅思阅读 I 在这花粉肆虐季,你能做出这道花粉长的难句题目吗?

雅思阅读 I 在这花粉肆虐季,你能做出这道花粉长的难句题目吗?


花粉症Hay Fever是一种过敏性鼻炎。在澳洲,花粉症的罪魁祸首其实不是花,而是草籽。在墨尔本,尤其在雨季较长的冬季后,草的生长形势十分“喜人”,加上大风天气,花粉症患者们表示感到窒息

雅思阅读 I 在这花粉肆虐季,你能做出这道花粉长的难句题目吗?

根据Melbourne Pollen Count and Forecast的数据,今明两天的花粉等级都是最高的Extreme,几乎整个维州呈现“全红”的状态。

雅思阅读 I 在这花粉肆虐季,你能做出这道花粉长的难句题目吗?



Because the potential hazards pollen grains are subject to as they are transported over long distances are enormous,wind pollinated plants have,in the view above,compensated for the ensuing loss of pollen through happenstance by virtue of producing an amount of pollen that is one to three orders of magnitude greater than the amount produced by species pollinated by insects. 

– 填空题:the production of exceed amount of pollen is due to the possible danger when pollen is ___.

– 判断题:The amount of pollen produced by plants is more than that transported over long distance. (TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN)




1【Because the potential hazards】2【pollen grains are subject to】3【as they are transported over long distances】1【are enormous】,4【wind pollinated plants have】,5【in the view above】,4【compensated for the ensuing loss of pollen through happenstance by virtue of producing an amount of pollen】6【that is one to three orders of magnitude greater than the amount produced by species pollinated by insects. 】

– 其中意群123同为because大意群,作为意群456的原因状语从句。

– 意群2为省略which的定语从句修饰意群1的hazards(把意群1隔开了)

– 意群3为意群2的原因状语从句

– 意群4为本句话主句

– 意群5为插入语做介词短语(把意群4隔开了)

– 意群6为意群4中pollen的定语从句修饰该词

在我们之前的文章提到过,划分意群的最大线索就是动词,同学们发现每个主干上必须有且只能有一个主干动词:【1-are】【2-are】【3-are transported】【4-have compensated】【5-介词短语非主干】【6-is】。对于主干有疑问的同学可以根据动词作为线索来划分,从而理解句子意思。


the production of exceed amount of pollen is due to the possible danger when pollen is __transported_. 

(exceed对应原文greater,所以其原因due to对应because的大意群,故答案在意群123内,而danger对应hazard,所以进一步确认答案对应原文意群2/3,而when对应了原文的as从句,故最后确认答案在意群3上)

The amount of pollen produced by plants is more than that transported over long distance. (TRUE



原文始发于微信公众号(IPENGLISH黄老师):雅思阅读 I 在这花粉肆虐季,你能做出这道花粉长的难句题目吗?